Enuresis: Weder Eltern noch Kinder sind schuld am Bettnässen! Ursachen und Behandlungsmethoden für Primäre und Sekundäre Enuresis.
Enuresis affects every seventh child
Nocturnal wetting (enuresis) can have many different causes and is unsettling for the affected children as well as their parents. After allergies, enuresis is the second most common health disorder in childhood. Up to 15% of first-graders are not dry at night.
With some of these children, the problem disappears by itself. For others, this behavior solidifies. The mounting helplessness could become a stress factor, increase the psychological pressure and intensify the problem. Therefore, it is especially important to quickly and effectively find an aid to prevent this negative cycle or to break through it with successful experiences.
(Primary enuresis nocturna)
(Secondary enuresis nocturna)
A common cause of enuresis are wake-up disorders
The causes of primary enuresis are nowadays assumed to depend on a number of factors including a delayed maturation of the sleep-wake switch in the brain. Approximately one third of enuretic children can be distinguished from non-bedwetters by their inability to wake up.
In everyday speech, bedwetters with wake-up disorders are called “deep sleepers.” However, they sleep no more deeply than non-bedwetters. The difference is that the stimuli of a full bladder are usually suppressed by the central nervous system or responded to by waking up. In bedwetters, this response is unreliable.
Waiting is not a solution
Parents seeking advice are frequently advised to wait a bit before beginning treatment. “The child will grow out of it,” they are told. This waiting can have fatal psychological consequences for the child, however. Studies have shown that, per year, only one out of seven bedwetting children will learn to stay dry with no therapeutic help. Without treatment, the problem can often persist for many years. The shame about the constantly wet bed can be a cause for later inferiority complexes.

Increase self-confidence
No mother or father wants their child to have impaired confidence, especially when this consequence of bedwetting can be reliably prevented with ENUTRAIN®. A few months of joint effort by parents and child can ensure that this health disorder will soon become a thing of the past.
If you do not know your child’s exact type of sleep, you can use our interactive checklist for optimal wake-up training. Click the picture to get to the form.